Playmobil 70439 ATM
Playmobil 70439 ATM
Withdrawing cash made easy: simply insert the card, enter the PIN and the banknotes fall into the drawer. Now you´re all set for the holiday!
Going to the ATM when travelling in foreign countries can be particularly exciting. There are completely different and interesting banknotes to discover. When mother and son arrive at the hotel they also go to the ATM to get some cash. It´s very easy: insert your bank card, enter the PIN and the money comes out of the opening. The little boy takes a close look at the foreign bank notes. There are a lot of interesting details to explore. The set contains two PLAYMOBIL figures, a Chihuahua, an ATM, banknotes, a key and other extras. To refill the banknotes the machine can be opened with the key.
Additional Information:
- Figures: One woman, one boy Animals: 1 Chihuahua Accessories: 1 cash dispenser, 1 key, 1 money card, 1 set of banknotes (6 pieces), 1 handbag, 1 suitcase, 1 backpack, 1 juice bag, 1 dog leash, 1 pair of bath slippers